Girls in India face unequal opportunities due to societal norms, household responsibilities, and gender-based violence, worsened by the pandemic’s impact. In Kolkata’s urban slums, girls endure unimaginable challenges, including poverty, violence, and restricted freedoms. At iPartner India, we believe in early intervention to empower young girls and break gender stereotypes. Our program combines gender training and football to improve leadership skills, amplify girls’ voices, and tear down barriers.
Our “One Team | One Dream” project, active since 2020, targets a patriarchal community in Kolkata. We provide gender training, legal support, and community events to empower girls and sensitize the community. Over 1000 girls and women have benefited, with attitudes towards girls improving significantly.
- Football coaching to the most vulnerable and marginalized girls
- Gender Training for young girls and boys
- Legal support to women who are victims of domestic violence
- Leadership building opportunities for young girls
- Community sensitization programs
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