One Team | One Dream

Harnessing the power of football and gender training to break barriers and uplift young girls in Kolkata's urban slums.
65% Donated
Goal : INR 5,000,000
INR 3,281,000
Donate Now



How did this come to our attention?

Girls in India face unequal opportunities due to societal norms, household responsibilities, and gender-based violence, worsened by the pandemic’s impact. In Kolkata’s urban slums, girls endure unimaginable challenges, including poverty, violence, and restricted freedoms. At iPartner India, we believe in early intervention to empower young girls and break gender stereotypes. Our program combines gender training and football to improve leadership skills, amplify girls’ voices, and tear down barriers.

The project empowers over 1000 girls through gender and football training, with some receiving advanced coaching for interstate matches, creating pathways for them to thrive despite challenging circumstances.


Children and young adults impacted


Trained Football players


Target Constituency

Our “One Team | One Dream” project, active since 2020, targets a patriarchal community in Kolkata. We provide gender training, legal support, and community events to empower girls and sensitize the community. Over 1000 girls and women have benefited, with attitudes towards girls improving significantly.

We Provide

  • Football coaching to the most vulnerable and marginalized girls
  • Gender Training for young girls and boys
  • Legal support to women who are victims of domestic violence
  • Leadership building opportunities for young girls
  • Community sensitization programs

Want to donate by phone?

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+91 9971533099

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The Story of One Team | One Dream

Interested to know more?

Discover how football and gender training are transforming lives in Kolkata’s slums—download our One Team | One Dream brochure and see how you can help empower young girls.


What is the vision of this Charity?

– iPartner India’s vision is to create a more just and equitable India – an India where poverty levels have been significantly reduced, where every person has equal opportunities regardless of gender, caste, or socio-economic background.

How do you make sure my gifts to Charity are spent wisely?

– We keep donors informed regularly about how their investments are being utilized. Donors are also welcome to visit the projects they support. Our finances undergo robust auditing to ensure funds are allocated for the intended purpose.

How do you know which children need help?

– Our dynamic field team maintains close contact with communities and uses a Vulnerability Index to identify children requiring urgent support.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

– Yes, donations made in the United Kingdom, Canada, and India are tax-deductible.


Where does my money actually go?

– Your donation directly supports the cause for which you’ve donated. We track donations and allocate funds accordingly.

How do you choose locations to work?

– We conduct Baseline evaluations to understand community contexts and choose areas based on vulnerability and marginalization.

What percentage of my donation goes towards programs?

– 90% of donations are allocated to programs, while 10% support monitoring activities and administrative expenses.

What’s your goal?

– iPartner India’s goal is to empower children and young adults, giving them a voice and agency to build a meaningful life free from discrimination, exploitation, and abuse.